Quest— Risk, Adventure and the Search for Meaning
WATCH THIS 90-SECOND PEEK at avalanches, wars, and a lifeboat in a typhoon, to the greatest adventure of all—finding your way to a meaningful life. I wrote it all down so you don’t have to dodge bullets or even get wet to take this journey. You can pre-order QUEST now, from your favorite bookseller or from Amazon.

New Praise for Quest
“Quest arrived yesterday and it has already stolen valuable time. What a stunning life you have related! Your utterly exceptional daring was joined, stage after stage, by firm resolve, and propelled by a hunger deeper and nobler than you knew. You've told your amazing story with brilliance and with an honesty that triggers instant if private honesty in the reader. Dear John, the world is richer for you having wandered across it.”
—Rajmohan Gandhi, historian and author, among other works, of a biography of his grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi."
Quest starts as the autobiography of a self-assured, invincible risk-taking youth. John is seemingly on a self-driven, self-absorbed quest for identity, juxtaposed on his perception of his father’s weakness. His adventures are just beyond what could happen to one person in real life. Yet, these are John’s experiences. Along his journey of life, John’s self-awareness and metamorphosis redefine him, his passions and his life work. These changes in themselves are more than remarkable. His readers also transform in the process, looking for possibilities. One can only say: John’s life is truly beyond belief, and we have all benefitted from it.
—Margarethe Cammermeyer, RN, PhD, COL, USAR, retired
…A view of the world at a special point in time for our generation's history. Few faced (or could face!) the realities you faced. You shaped your own destiny and it all makes for a great read! Those of our generation can reflect on your questions/decisions and list for themselves their own questions, decisions and be honest in what they see...what they thought and did when it really mattered!
—Jim Maloney, Founder and First President and Board Chair of the National Association for Community Leadership Organizations
Brilliantly and engagingly written, this story of John Graham’s search for manhood begins with his transformation from an intimidated goody goody straight-A Eagle Scout to an astoundingly courageous adventurer in war zones and revolutions with a hardened heart and a fierce pursuit of dominance and power. Then he finds a new kind of manhood by opening his heart and using his courage to serve others, peace, and the common good. In a time when there's confusion about what manhood means, this book is essential reading for young and old alike.
—Gifford Pinchot III, author, serial intrapreneur, consultant and thought leader.